Zenith UK

Zenith UK

We’ve grown faster than the market - Four years ago, Zenith was ranked 9th in Campaign’s agency rankings. This year we are ranked 4th. This is continued momentum up from 5th last year. Plus, we achieved a pitch conversion rate of 70%, bringing in 8 new clients in the last 12 months

We delivered meaningful work - From shining a light on the gender pain gap with Nurofen, to supporting small business owners and their mental health with Lloyds B2B. Zenith has turned ‘unseen insight’ into meaningful and powerful campaigns that have delivered on both purpose and business, making us the most awarded agency at the Campaign Media Awards. We innovated to deliver better outcomes - We developed products like Publicis Regression Based Attribution and OneSocial which delivered double digit improvements to clients' media outcomes and used AI to put carbon calculations at the heart of our media plans to reduce clients' carbon emissions from their media by between 5-10% YoY. We supported teammates where it matters most - We’ve raised entry level salaries to above the London Living Wage and prioritised personal development, from Mini-MBA courses and secondment opportunities at Aviva, Data Science and Business Development for top talent, to ‘Learn with Zenith’ and 2-day off-site presentation training. We prioritised mental wellbeing and inclusion - We provided practical support around psychological safety and introduced a reflection day for all. We’ve also partnered with 10,000 Interns working with 15 new interns this year that will be offered full-time employment.