Uber Eats Iftar Incoming

EssenceMediacom UK

Client: Uber Eats

In Q2 2023 Uber sought to refresh their existing Online Food Delivery & Grocery always on campaign. This activity was designed to help improve Uber Eats’ quality perceptions.

The Holy month of Ramadan, the biggest Muslim holiday in the calendar gave us an opportunity to deliver on our proposition of Uber Eats helping you get anything effortlessly but in a culturally relevant way, because 3.8m UK Muslims would be breaking their daily fast every evening during the month of Ramadan. A huge opportunity!

We used Solar calendar data - sunset times - specific to hundreds of locations across the UK to inform the creative delivery of this campaign. This resulted in a detailed media plan with hundreds of locations, thousands of DOOH sites in high indexing cities.

All showcasing the one piece of information all observant Muslims would need that specific day: the exact sunset time in that location.

Giving Uber Eats a useful purpose throughout the Ramadan - especially with the ability to schedule a sunset delivery via the Uber Eats app, perfect for marking Iftar.