The Availability Engine


Client: British Gas

Every year 9m homeowners experience issues that need a quick fix - from boilers on the blink to a blocked drain ruining tea time. British Gas' army of engineers are a key point of difference in a ferocious category. But their repair market share was underdelivering compared to local tradesmen who are seen as more trustworthy, reliable, and accessible.

Why? A classic supply and demand problem. British Gas’ ability to service households in times of distress is dictated by the variable availability of engineers. Poor availability was not just a business headache, it was killing consumer trust in the brand. So how could we make British Gas feel more locally accessible? And how do you promise reliability with a seasonally and geographically unreliable service? Introducing The Availability Engine - a completely bespoke tool designed, built and deployed to ingest proprietary business data and activate dynamically in media platforms. The Availability Engine had a transformative commercial impact on bookings. So successful in fact that British Gas is now expanding the technology across 3 further business units which rely on engineer availability and across more digital platforms.