Mail Metro Media

Agency: Initiative
Client: The LEGO Group

Following a huge study into how kids play, LEGO was on a mission to rectify a ‘global deficit’ in playtime and inspire kids around the world to find new, imaginative ways to play ahead of World Play Day 2023. Commercially, it wanted to use this opportunity to drive awareness, purchase intent, and improve brand perceptions.

Using LEGO’s Play Squad, we developed a series of editorially integrated branded content pieces to capture the attention of both commuting parents and their kids. This included two Metro-firsts: an eight-page pull-out Play Day Planner and three bespoke Puzzle page DPS extensions featuring kid’s puzzles alongside the ‘adult’ ones! We also introduced The Play Squad in Metro’s well-known ‘60 seconds’ interview page, seamlessly merging the interest of parents and kids and driving awareness of World Play Day. In true superhero fashion, our branded content saved the day with its benchmark-destroying results. 58% recalled the campaign, and of those, 98% agreed that LEGO encourages children to be creative! With 59% having bought a product from LEGO. It’s fair to say the campaign cemented the brand at the heart of imaginative play, driving action and purchase intent from commuting mums and dads.