Putting the bite back into the big cat

Pearl & Dean

Client: Jaguar

Jaguar has huge awareness but had brand perception and consideration challenges versus their German competitors, and in particular low female ownership. We created ‘Rebel Cinema’ a long-term integrated and ever-evolving partnership with two premium partners, which continued even during lockdown. Jaguar became the exclusive motor partner of Everyman Cinemas and sponsored The British Film Institute (BFI), ‘Woman With a Movie Camera’, both shining a spotlight on films that break away from the norm and the diverse individuals who create them.

This was a huge collaborative and co-creative team effort across Pearl & Dean, agencies, Jaguar, the cinemas, and an array of partners. Every touchpoint possible was utilised, both indoor and outdoor, on screen and beyond, creating an immersive and interactive experience, where the cars were the stars. The campaign had huge awareness and most important massively increased purchase consideration and perception on key inspirational, individuality and progressive brand measures.