Mirrors & Windows
Client: Google
The research highlighted the responsibility for media to provide positive portrayals: representing people authentically as individuals (recognising that what makes people ‘who they are’ is as much about their passions and interests, as demographics).
We were rigorous and inclusive in approach throughout, and ‘passed the mic’ to passionate ambassadors when we shared findings to industry. We learnt marketing & media have the power to make us all feel, whatever our identity, like we belong. That’s a pretty big responsibility & an exciting opportunity for our industries.
The research encouraged industry conversation around important questions such as how to remove unconscious bias, and how to support an expanded creative economy.
Advertisers have tried new creative treatments and placements - informed by this research - that are benefiting a diverse range of creators and audiences, and delivering commercial gains too. For example: Diageo & PHD (impressions +59%); Domino’s & Havas (CPM improved c.50%).
We pride ourselves on positive feedback from Google stakeholders, and advertisers, but we know we’re getting things right when we receive positive feedback from Thinkbox, the UK’s commercial marketing body for TV - they included the research in their 2022 “Round-up” of “best media research from around the world”.