MediaCom Cultural Consultants

MediaCom UK

Our industry is not as diverse as it should be. When understanding authentic representation of diverse audiences, who determines the ‘insights’, the narratives, and the ideas is absolutely critical to driving cultural relevance in campaigns because too often, those making the decisions on cultural relevance are not those with lived experience of these cultures and communities.

So we created the Cultural Consultant Network. This network is the first of it’s kind to centre the expertise of CEOs and Founders of new wave media partners within campaign executions. These consultants bring their experience of deeply understanding their marginalised audiences and the knowledge of how to create authentic cultural connections. We’re seeing impactful and exciting change within our clients campaigns because of it. In just the last 12 months, our Cultural Consultants insight work has been integral to 16 client campaigns, led to 5 industry award winning campaigns, played a central role in 6 new business wins and even created paid internships for LGBTQ+ creatives at GAY TIMES.