‘Man's Best Friends’

VCCP Media

Client: Bulldog Skincare

Some men look after themselves. Other men need to be looked after. Bulldog skincare leant into this and found a totally untapped market to crack the difficult Winter trading period… the bromance.

To live up to our role as ‘Man’s Best Friend’, we thought differently about who our audience was and how to sway reluctant lads to shop differently through the winter. We created and connected two back to back campaigns; ‘The Protest Against Pointless Presents’, encouraging men to boycott novelty Christmas gifts, and buy Bulldog for the other men in their lives… and ‘Not Dry January’; embedding a habit amongst groups of guys to regularly moisturise, by piggybacking on the Dry January trend and aping the comms of alcohol-free booze brands. We started national debates about the pitfalls of pointless present buying via radio and podcasts, put our propaganda media in proximity to panic-buying occasions and locations, and then retargeted men as their routines returned in the new year, to drive a 14% increase in sales, growing ahead of the market, despite 40% less advertising budget YoY.