
MediaCom UK, GAY TIMES, Channel 4 & Black Ballad

Client: Maltesers

Chocolate sales were up 4% YoY, but Maltesers sales down 19.3%.

The brand was losing relevance with women and brand ‘esteem’ had dropped by 25% in 4 years. Whilst we were making tough life moments ‘a little lighter’ passively in our adverts the time was also to actively do so. One of our largest communities of women, ‘mums’, had been hard hit by the isolation of the pandemic with 20% suffering maternal mental health issues and 70% hiding or underplaying its severity. Family and friends play a crucial role in the prevention and intervention of maternal mental health but one-third of mums felt their friends and families don’t know what to say or how to help a new mum. We set out to help friends and family be better equipped to support Mums through #LoveBeatsLikes. Working with influencers, Channel 4, Gay Times and Black Ballad we helped friends and families step up in communities where mums feel less supported than the norm (LGBTQ+ and Black mums). Since focusing on maternal mental health over 200,000 mums have sought help and Maltesers have +7.1% sales lift and the highest rate of sale in 3 years!