Kirsten Jayne Black

Affiliate Director – Head of Affiliates, EssenceMediacom

Kirsten's ascent at EssenceMediacom from Exec in 2018 to Affiliate Director - Head of Affiliates by 2023 is a testament to her relentless drive and dedication to her craft. In the past year alone, she has been instrumental in fostering a thriving team environment and enhancing our affiliate offerings, leading to a 47% revenue growth YOY. Her strategic new business acquisitions, including Beauty Bay and Amazon Audible, coupled with expanding existing client programs, have significantly contributed to this success.

Amidst a challenging hiring landscape during the pandemic, Kirsten's innovative approach to team development has been pivotal. She expanded her team from four to ten by investing in training initiatives for school leavers and graduates, nurturing them into future digital leaders. This investment in people has paid off, with her first graduate hire nearing a third-year anniversary and a second promotion. Beyond EssenceMediacom, Kirsten is committed to cultivating an affiliate community in the North. As a board member of Affiliate Links, she is working to replicate the London-centric model in the North, with plans to inaugurate the first Northern event at the WPP Campus this summer. She is also currently working on a series of publisher events which bring together all segments of the affiliate space including other agencies to build this Northern community. Kirsten planned, hosted and featured on the panel for the first event at the end of May which resulted in 60 guests coming together for an evening of thought-provoking discussions and networking.