Imodium 'Compass Connect' - How we used real time econometrics to support sufferers to better manage their condition

UM London

Client: Johnson & Johnson | Imodium

This has been a particularly challenging time for the Anti Diarrhoea (AD) category. Lockdowns have resulted in millions suddenly changing their food consumption habits, travel plans & finding other ways to manage their conditions. Being at home where conditions are more manageable, ultimately caused a fall in sales for Imodium. As COVID measures were lifted we expected more incidents to be reported and we needed to re-engage with lapsed buyers, at a time when the data triggers of food, travel and stress were increasing and decreasing rapidly in response to ever changing lockdown messaging.

To evolve our media strategy to the new landscape, in a global media first, we created a new real time econometric creative decisioning tool that fused Imodium-owned data with external real-time data sets. The new tool, Compass Connect, would use econometrics to predict with a high degree of probability how the category would shift, to guide strategic decisions and what level of investment should be spent on each channel and creative. Compass Connect has been a huge success, correctly adjusting live campaigns, by activating against the right data signals, with the right creative message, to capture the attention of lapsed category buyers. The tool has evolved from incorporating data sets in year 1, focusing on the key category triggers and signals of food, travel and stress, to also include mobility and environmental triggers for activation in year 2. Resulting in significant growth and record ROI in 2021, surpassing the achievements in year 1