How Clear Channel and Asahi drove brand awareness by bringing the bright lights of Tokyo to the streets of the UK

GroupM OOH and Wavemaker

Client: Asahi Super “Dry”

How do you stand out from the crowd and boost both brand awareness and consideration in the competitive UK premium beer market? You light up the streets with OOH and celebrate your point of difference! By showcasing their unique Japanese heritage, Clear Channel brought the taste of Asahi Super “Dry” to adults up and down the country. We transported audiences directly to the vibrant streets of Tokyo with standout interactive bus shelters in the key cities of Liverpool, Newcastle, and Cardiff. Supported by a wider broadcast OOH campaign, these fully immersive activations drove a massive 69% increase in consideration amongst our target groups, as well as significant uplifts in brand awareness and perception. This campaign smashed its initial objectives and successfully brought the spirit of Tokyo to the UK, creating both a memorable and interactive consumer experience.