Brewing Social Success


Client: Hawkstone

In a category dominated by on & off trade sales, Hawkstone have created a D2C model powered by an integrated social team to become an internet sensation!

The media team understood that AI has changed social media advertising, & recognised creative as the biggest differentiator in terms of performance. Integrating capabilities was crucial. For Hawkstone, we built an always-on content stream which delivered a daily storytelling cadence. Content was built to fit Reels & is designed to unlock the sharegraph for algorithmic reach. Mass reach was underpinned by smart use of targeting tech & hard working performance assets that were rigorously tested & optimised. The team aggregated expertise across production, amplification & insights to add synergy as an integrated marketing team. 643k IG followers later, & monthly reach in excess of 25m, Team Hawkstone have truly hacked social media to generate £5m in annual revenue from just £300k investment.