Girls who change the world
Client: IBM
Agency: Disney
"For years, girls and young women have been a critical missing part of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) studies and careers. Only 20 percent of all GCSE Computing students are girls, just 12 percent at A-Level, with the trend continuing into the workplace. STEM is essential for making the world a better place, the gender imbalance that currently exists means the world is not being created equal.
IBM UK made it their mission to close the gender gap and inspire girls 11-14yrs to pursue studies and careers in STEM by raising awareness of its Artificial Intelligence (AI) program and offering a real life experience that would dispel the “dull” and “boring” myths, and showcase how STEM can be hugely fun, creative and be a force for good.
IBM joined forces with Disney’s Marvel Studios to launch a challenge that would empower girls to think of ways they could change the world with AI - with the winning team given the opportunity to work with IBM to bring their idea to life. By partnering with Disney, IBM were able to benefit from accessing the valuable IP of Captain Marvel (the studio's first female-led film) and create a superhero narrative that could help inspire these young girls to enter the challenge and take them on this transformative journey. Entrants were required to submit a real world problem they would like to tackle with AI, such as mental health, climate change or knife crime via the competition landing page www.girlswhochangetheworld.org.uk"