Client: Pringles
Something that goes well with gaming is snacking: crisps are gamers’ number one snack, and Pringles are ideal because they leave hands less greasy for that all important controller grip. This made gamers a perfect target audience for Pringles who had an ambitious mission: to authentically associate themselves with gaming, and become gamers’ number one snack brand. But they had their work cut out: gamers are hard to reach and cut-through is difficult to achieve. They decided to tackle this by co-creating a brand-new gaming-inspired mascot: a Pringles-loving zombie cowboy called Frank hailing from the game ‘West of Dead’. But how could they make Frank stand out in a world already full of such iconic characters? They needed something truly innovative, and so they turned to Twitch: the world’s leading live-streaming service and home to the largest community of gamers. To successfully launch Frank, we had to do something completely unheard of. So, for the first time ever, we broke a character out of a game, out of a screen and into a streamers room, eliminating the barrier between the online and the real world. Frank shocked everyone when he burst out of popular Twitch Streamer, Leah’s livestream attracted by the pop of a Pringles can. The pair quickly became friends and for two hours they played games and engaged Chat before he went off on a European tour visiting other streamers. The campaign was wildly successful - Leah’s stream was one of the top 10 most watched streams that night.