Illuminating Career Paths in Cinema

Digital Cinema Media

Client: BAFTA

Talent is everywhere. Opportunity is not. Especially for those coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds. To break down the barriers to entry for new talent looking to build careers in the screen industries across film, games and TV, BAFTA and DCM gave a voice to those previously unheard and put them on the biggest screen, taking them from the sidelines into the spotlight.

Building on the success of the ‘Behind every BAFTA’ collaboration with DCM showing the variety of careers available within the creative sectors, we took that one step further to show how BAFTA supports new talent with the resources and programmes to find their creative spark – with powerful storytelling centred on the exact moment where talent unlock their true passion. ‘Follow Your Spark’ sees award-winning actor Micheal Ward front a 90” cinema trailer centred around the concept of following your creative spark, putting three stories in the spotlight inspired by real beneficiaries of BAFTA’s work. It turns out seeing is believing – not only was this the highest recalled cinema ad during the time it ran, but it inspired more than two-thirds of those who saw it to consider a career in the film, games or TV industries.