Demi Abiola

Investment Business director , T&P

Demi Abiola is an Investment Business director at Msix and partners, prior to that he headed up the publishing team at PHD. Demi is passionate about driving the discussion about cultural inclusivity and openness, which will hopefully lead to a change in the advertising industry towards diversity and anti-racism. 

Demi is a perennial commentator about the advertising industry where he is a panellist at many industry events, in addition to writing thought leader pieces for the IPA, Mediatel, Newsworks, Campaign and WARC. He has also judged a number of leading awards, Campaign, Media Week, British Media, Drum, AOP, Festival of Media and Young Cannes but to name a few. He was recently voted one of Campaign magazine’s 40 over 40. 

In his spare time, you will find himself singing to himself on the Peleton, boxing, practising Yoga and Calisthenics or playing poker.